New Idea

I was trying to figure out this wordpress and I came up with a beautfiful idea 😛

I will make a new page and it will be dedicated to all my fans and followers, and they can ask me about anything that comes to their mind.

Kaesa idea hai ?? 🙂

Posted on April 26, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 20 Comments.

  1. آپ کچھ ہائی لگ رہی ہیں

  2. I was not talking about you being high. I was just trying to help you understand what Jaffer had said in the first place.

  3. Alright, now that the issue of being high is resolved, we can proceed further: are you a celebrity or something? I mean how come you have followers and fans?

  4. u must be the youngest in your family , i guess

  5. Good to see this blog listed at Tea Break 🙂

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